An exercise I like to do is….
reflect on the habits that structure my days, and the personality traits that I call mine—many of which I can trace back to my roommates.
This list is a tribute to them and how habits build worlds:
reflect on the habits that structure my days, and the personality traits that I call mine—many of which I can trace back to my roommates.
This list is a tribute to them and how habits build worlds:
- Falling asleep while talking (Miles)
- I like being greeted by the gentle graze of a cat’s tail (Ohno)
- Frying an egg, sunny side up, in olive oil (Dante)
- Breakfast potatoes and to become friends with your roommates (Alexsa)
- A real, big breakfast and it’s fun to have fun (Arielle)
- Put your socks on first (Mami)
- Stuffing my pockets with tissues and drawers with snacks (Grosspapa)
- Call friends “madame” and learn how to read again (Line)
- To stay silly (Wyatt)
- To indulge in whatever you can (Jasmine)
- To do things poco a poco, little by little (Papi)
- Try to have two beautiful hours a day (Berenice Place)
Get ready for your new roommates…! For your earth to be broken and a bowl squeezed into it, only for a bed of flowers to disguise it.
For your table to be echoed in another, and your fences to be leaned on and greeted by faces.
New roommates and homes always bring new choreographies—Punto Lairs inc, I like the way you hold worlds within your own.
-Iris Colburn

Cosmas And Damian Brown
Sachi Moskowitz